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EES-UETP is an Association of Universities and Enterprises for the training in the field of Electric Energy Systems. EES-UETP has 14 partners (1 enterprise and 13 universities) in 12 European countries. The Partnership began its activities in July 1992, in the framework of the COMETT program. After the end of COMETT, EES-UETP is self-financed.
The main objectives of EES-UETP are:
• To provide an advanced technical and economic basis for the interconnected European Electric Energy System, under the new European Union scenario.
• To join utilities practice and universities experience to create more advanced and realistic planning and operation procedures.
• To better integrate environmental issues in both utilities practice and universities education programs.
• To obtain better and direct information about research and development in Europe in the area of Electric Energy System
What should expect a partner from the new EES-UETP?
An industry partner should expect from the EES-UETP:
• A set of really interesting quality courses and services (such as in-house training, advanced consultant services, experts forums, etc.).
• A proactive character of the Network in order to be informed quickly about the most timely topics.

University partners should expect from the Network:
• The advantages of being part of a Network enjoying Prestige and European excellence.
• Services that the Network can provide them include contacts with local and foreign enterprises, sharing experiences with other universities, etc.
• Industrial contacts: to identify the actual topics demanded by the enterprises, to address new research lines to cope with realistic problems and to help them to succeed in their proposals of research projects.
• Contacts with other universities: allowing the creation of joint research teams from different European countries and promoting the mobility of the students and academics. More interaction between different disciplines in the electric energy systems field, the transfer of techniques from one scientific domain to another and dissemination of the latest R&D results.
Facilities to the course organizers:
• Initial EES-UETP amount of 1.500 Euro per day of the course; marketing tasks, etc.
• Special rates to participate at the courses.
• All the Industrial partners are entitled to have a chair at the Executive Board or at the Course Program Committee.
• Financial support to participate at the International General Assembly.
• Annual Program of International courses: international experts, international participants & international focus of the course topics.
International meetings and workshops.

• There are 14 partners in EES-UETP: 13 Universities, and 1 company.
