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2016-04: HVDC technology and HVDC grids
December 13-16th, 2016


CITCEA-UPC, Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTECH, Barcelona, Spain
University of Leuven, Belgium
Cardiff Universiry, UK


Dr Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt
Dr Dirk Van Hertem
Dr Jun Liang

Description of the course

The course is based on the book “HVDC Grids: For Offshore and Supergrid of the Future”, edited by the course coordinators. The first electricity transmission line in the world was a DC line which was built in 1882. Since Westinghouse and Tesla won the “War of Currents” against Edison in 1890s, AC technology has dominated the electric power transmission. However, DC transmission has enjoyed a revival since the middle of the 20th century and, so far, more than two hundred high voltage DC (HVDC) projects have been built around the world and offer efficient transmission of large amounts of power over long distances. In the past years, development of DC transmission has gained significant momentum as a result of two key drivers. Firstly, the development of modern conversion technology (voltage source converter) and secondly, the need for transmission of offshore wind power. Plans for the interconnection of multiple renewable power sources, loads and AC grids through DC technologies are leading to an exciting transmission concept: HVDC grids. HVDC grids and supergrids have sparked so much interest that researchers and engineers across the globe are talking about them, studying them, supporting or questioning them. The main course motivation is to present a complete picture of HVDC grid technologies by collecting and summarizing recent technological advances, academic research development and engineering applications.

The objectives of this course are to answer why HVDC is favourable over AC technologies for power transmission; what the key technologies and challenges are for developing an HVDC grid; how an HVDC grid will be designed and operated; and how future HVDC grids will evolve. The course also devotes significant attention to non-technical aspects such as the influence of energy policy and regulatory frameworks.

Contents and Schedule


Dr Ervin Spahic (Siemens)
Dr. Arman Hassanpoor (ABB)
Dr Robert Whitehouse (GE Grid Solutions)
Mr Luis Coronado (REE)
Dr Samuel Nguefeu (RTE)
Dr Ernesto Zaccone (Prysmian)
Dr Cornelis Plet (DNV-GL)
Mr Kevin Schönleber (GE Renewable Energy)
Dr Dirk Van Hertem (KUL)
Dr Hakan Ergun (KUL)
Dr Jef Beerten (KUL)
Dr Diyun Huang (KUL)
Mr Willem Leterme (KUL)
Dr Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt (CITCEA-UPC)
Dr Eduardo Prieto-Araujo (CITCEA-UPC)
Dr Mònica Aragüés (CITCEA-UPC)
Dr Mikel de Prada (IREC)
Dr Jun Liang (Cardiff U)
Mr Marc Cheah (Cardiff U)


ETSEIB-UPC, Av. Diagonal, 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain


The course fees include lectures attendance, documentation (cd and binder), coffee breaks and lunches.
Members of the EES-UETP: 450 EUR
University non-members of the EES-UETP: 1100 EUR
Industry non-members of the EES-UETP: 1835 EUR
Students registered to the course will receive a hardcopy of the book "HVDC Grids: For Offshore and Supergrid of the Future", until the existences are
extinguished. The books will be given strictly following the order of registration.

Further information

See the Leaflet