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2014-04: HVDC Technology and Applications
December 1-4, 2014


University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
For more information visit:


Introduction and background information

A previous version of this course "HVDC and HVDC Grids for Future Transmission" was organized by KU Leuven in December 2013 and was highly successful. We are now pleased to invite you to the new version of this course hosted by the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow from 1 to 4 December, 2014.
Who is this for? This course would suit anyone who attended in Leuven and wishes to refresh their knowledge but especially would suit graduate power systems engineers, postgraduate students, power systems researchers who starting to work in HVDC and engineers who work industry who are not already experts in HVDC and want to extend their knowledge.
The increasing power rating and capability of HVDC and its high controllability relative to AC network connections mean that HVDC is receiving increasing interest worldwide. As an active and fast growing research area, there is a healthy mix of research collaborations between industry and academia. This research and learning from initial applications feed into planning for regulators, system operators, and governments wondering about how to best integrate the technology.
This course considers HVDC technology from several perspectives. First, the economics and policy around the use of HVDC provide the rationale for investment into the technology and present current policy issues for its integration. Second, HVDC theory, design, control, and operation will link the latest developments of the technology to the core principles of its use. The third element, applications of HVDC, complements the basic principles already presented by demonstrating the effectiveness of real-life experiences, applications and practical issues. Two afternoon interactive tutorials on Converter Design and Economics of HVDC will complement the lectures in key concept areas.



Monday Dec 1 – Theme: Background of HVDC

HVDC Planning & Indications for Future Directions
• Energy Roadmap and the Need for More Transmission
• Topologies for Offshore Grids
• Economics of DC grids

Tuesday Dec 2 – Theme: Design and Operation HVDC Converter Technology & Control

HVDC Converter Technologies
• PE Components for VSC – HVDC Converters
• Converter Topologies
• Losses, Component Sizing, and Modulation
HVDC Converter Control
• VSC HVDC Control
• DC Grid Control
• Communication-free solutions for HVDC grids compatibility with grid code requirements Converter Design Tutorial

Wednesday Dec 3 - Theme: HVDC Interaction with Power System

HVDC System-wide Interaction
• Operation of embedded HVDC
• Operation of LCC on an AC Power System
• AC System interactions
HVDC Protection Systems
• DC Fault Characterization
• System Protection challenges with HVDC
• HVDC Grounding Economics of HVDC Tutorial

Thursday Dec 4 – Theme: HVDC Applications

Applications I
• Moray Project
• Market and regulatory influence on interconnectors
• DC Circuit Breakers
• HVDC in China
• What happens after it’s engineered and built: Experiences from BritNed Development Ltd


University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

Registration and Costs

Registration includes lunches and a conference dinner.

Further information

See the Leaflet
See the Course website