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2012-06 HVDC grids for offshore wind power
10-12 December 2012

Course Objectives
The workshop is intended to introduce the technologies available and the ongoing research in the field of HVDC transmission systems for offshore wind power plants. Both the technologies related to wind power plants and HVDC are covered.
The workshop will concentrate on some relevant aspects as the control and operation, modeling and simulation, design and planning, protection and interaction with the grid. Commissioned, ongoing and future projects will be also presented.
The workshop has been designed to present the mentioned technologies and at the same time introduce the numerous challenges which are to be solved related to the development of HVDC grids for offshore wind power.


Dr Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt (CITCEA-UPC, IREC) /

Dr Dirk Van Hertem (KU Leuven)


Dr Pär Samuelsson (ABB)
Rafael Bonchang (Alstom Grid)
Marcia Martins (Alstom Wind)
Johan Rimez (Elia)
Dr Alexandre Parisot (RTE France)
Dr Jun Liang (Cardiff University)
Dr Dirk van Hertem (KU Leuven)
Jef Beerten (KU Leuven)
Hakan Ergun (KU Leuven)
Dr Helder Leite (Porto University)
Dr Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt (CITCEA-UPC, IREC)
Agustí Egea (CITCEA-UPC)
Dr Adrià Junyent (CITCEA-UPC)

Course duration and location

December 10th - 12th 2012

Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), Barcelona, Spain

More information

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